we’re queer for cities.

queer for cities is exploring queer life and influence in new england cities and beyond.


From Joshua Croke (founder of Love Your Labels, the Queer AF Art+Fashion Show, Public Hearing Podcast, Action! by Design) and an awesome team,

Queer For Cities is a mixed media project exploring queer life and influence in New England Cities and a movement to build equitable communities where LGBTQ+ folx thrive.

Our Queer For Cities Podcast will feature queer artists and agitators to architects talking about the intersection of identity and place; venture to LGBTQ+ spots across New England; and talk about challenges facing our community from affordable housing and healthcare to climate change.

Joshua Croke (they/them) is a queer urbanist, designer, and facilitator passionate about cultivating equity-centered cities and liberated communities. Josh and team launched Queer For Cities to uplift and connect queer folx passionate about cities and collective liberation—from artists to architects to activists.

Imagine if adrienne maree brown, Alok, Anthony Bourdain, and the Fab Five started a podcast about cities; that’s what we’re going for. 

Queer For Cities will guide you to LGBTQ+ spots across New England, recommend queer artists to follow, and talk about challenges facing our community, from affordable housing and healthcare to climate change.

Queer For Cities seeks to be an immersive experience across multiple mediums that educates, resonates, and most importantly, celebrates the queer influence on urban life. From the pioneering activists to the emerging voices, we weave a narrative as diverse and dynamic as our beautiful LGBTQ+ community. Above all, it's about the shared dreams, aspirations, and the collective drive for a liberated world.

Join us as we navigate, celebrate, and shape queer urban New England. Subscribe, share, and be a part of this transformative journey.